The most upvoted API products of 2023 on Awesome Indie


3 min read
January 11, 2024

In the bustling world of indie startups and niche tech projects, Awesome Indie serves as a vibrant platform that highlights groundbreaking products from passionate creators. The API landscape in 2023 has particularly thrived with diverse offerings catering to various tech needs, ranging from data extraction to passwordless authentication. Let's explore some of the most upvoted API products on Awesome Indie this year.


ZenRows: Web Scraping API & Data Extraction Software

ZenRows simplifies the web scraping and data extraction process by tackling rotating proxies, headless browsers, and CAPTCHAs seamlessly. This API caters specifically to anyone needing to collect data from the web easily—offering features such as Javascript rendering and premium proxies. Its popularity stems from its ability to bypass sophisticated anti-bot measures, providing a high success rate in obtaining structured data without the hassle of handling CAPTCHAs or proxy setups yourself.


Bitloops: Bitloops gives you Senior Software Engineering Superpowers

For developers striving for high productivity and clean coding, Bitloops is a 4GL developer platform that enforces principles like domain-driven design and SOLID. By guiding developers through structured patterns, Bitloops enhances code readability and maintainability. The inclusion of backend-as-a-service features further elevates the development experience.


CheckTheWebsite: Uptime, analytics, monitor

With a focus on ensuring website uptime, CheckTheWebsite provides a free service to alert you when websites experience downtime. With notifications across multiple platforms and insightful reports, it’s a powerful tool for personal and commercial use. Its developer-friendly API and customizable features make it an appealing choice for tech-savvy users.


SourceStack: B2B leads lists & market research with 200+ company attributes

SourceStack empowers small businesses to conduct market research with its extensive attributes for building lead lists. By scraping and aggregating data from numerous sources, SourceStack excels in offering up-to-date and customizable datasets. This API aids companies in obtaining finely-tuned markets insights for strategic advantage.

MojoAuth Passwordless Authentication

MojoAuth Passwordless Authentication: Authenticate users securely without passwords

In the realm of cybersecurity and user convenience, MojoAuth takes the lead by offering advanced passwordless authentication methods from Magiclinks to biometric options. By eliminating traditional passwords, MojoAuth enhances security and offers a seamless user experience for integrating systems.

The standout APIs of 2023 on Awesome Indie reflect a growing trend towards more user-friendly and efficient technology solutions in the API sector. These products not only simplify processes for developers and businesses alike but also show promise in shaping the future landscape of tech innovation, particularly in areas like authentication, data management, and development efficiency.

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