Un Wasa
Send to WhatsApp without add the number to your contacts
Tools and resources that help make the web more inclusive and user-friendly for everyone.
Send to WhatsApp without add the number to your contacts
Check the contrast between different colour combinations against WCAG standards
Free remote desktop software
Generate color palettes in HSLuv color space
Create color palettes that follow accessibility standards
Experiment with different combinations of the related type and inputmode attributes
Find and fix web app problems that impact your users
Analyses and suggests colors that meet the required contrast ratio
Keyboard-driven commands to navigate your mac
Color accessibility checker
cloud-first identity management platform
Ai summarizer tool
How developers build responsive and accessible websites
Full-stack voice solutions for video localization.
Surf your favorite websites with clarity.
Where Human Ingenuity and AI Creativity Converge
Inclusive Interview Software
Study online courses & books together
Voice-first contact tool for your website
AI tool
AI tool
AI Tool
AI Tools