The Rumor Company
Unlimited Design Services for a Flat Monthly Fee
Connect with talented freelancers and find the perfect match for your project, or showcase your skills and work with clients from around the world.
Unlimited Design Services for a Flat Monthly Fee
UI/UX & Graphic Designs in a Fixed Monthly Subscription
The independent freelancer community
Quick, updated, copy and paste-able lists
Ensure your team is always working on the most recent designs
We help startups build fast
Accountability on-demand for remote workers
Curated hiring resources and tools
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Zontroy speeds up software developers
Quick and simple invoices – for free
Lemon.io is a marketplace of vetted senior developers
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Hire Preassembled Teams of Top 5% Freelance Talent
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Let AI do the Documentation, you write the Code.
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Matching problem with skills
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