The most upvoted marketing products of 2023 on Awesome Indie


3 min read
January 25, 2024

Awesome Indie has always been a hub for showcasing some of the most interesting indie products and projects. In 2023, the Marketing category saw a variety of startups making waves, each offering unique solutions tailored to the evolving needs of businesses in the digital age. Let's dive into the top upvoted products from this category and explore what makes them standout.

Eight Public Relations

Eight Public Relations: A PR agency in Hong Kong helping technology and legal clients. Learn more

Eight Public Relations secures its place as a significant player in the public relations landscape by offering tailored services aimed at enhancing corporate profiles through strategic media relations and thought leadership programs. Their focus on digital communication makes them a go-to for technology and legal sectors aiming to bolster their reputation in the Asia Pacific region.


LettrLabs: B2B marketing using handwritten direct mail. Discover more

In an era dominated by digital communication, LettrLabs brings a personal touch back into marketing with their innovative use of robotics to create handwritten letters. This approach not only helps businesses stand out but also builds stronger relationships with clients by making communication more authentic and memorable.

Escolha Digital

Escolha Digital: Together we are always more. Explore further

With a decade of experience, Escolha Digital expands its breadth by offering a wide array of digital services from web development to SEO and graphic design. This comprehensive approach allows them to meet the diverse needs of businesses, providing strategic technological solutions to elevate their clients ahead of the competition.

Revnew Inc

Revnew Inc: Boost your revenue by closing more deals. Check it out

Revnew Inc excels in the B2B space by simplifying the lead generation process, thus allowing sales teams to focus on closing more deals. By targeting decision-makers rather than just job titles, they provide more value-aligned and effective solutions, making it easier for businesses to secure crucial sales appointments.


EmbedQuiz: Free quiz maker tool for websites. Find out more

Incorporating gamification into content strategy is effortless with EmbedQuiz, which allows businesses to create interactive and engaging quizzes on their websites. This tool is perfect for companies looking to increase user engagement and grow their mailing lists without incurring additional costs.

In summary, the standout products in the Marketing category for 2023 reflect a trend towards personalization, strategic communication, and digital engagement. These startups are not only enhancing the way businesses interact with their audiences but are also setting the stage for more personalized and effective marketing solutions in the tech industry.

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