
100ms.live enables custom video solutions for developers.

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  • 100ms.live solves the problem of enabling real-time video and audio communication in applications. Traditional video and audio conferencing solutions can be complex to set up, expensive, and may not integrate well with other applications.

    100ms.live provides a simple and flexible platform for developers to easily integrate real-time video and audio communication into their applications, without needing to build the technology from scratch. This can save developers time and resources, and can provide a seamless user experience for their customers or end-users.

    Additionally, 100ms.live provides features like screen sharing, recording, chat, and a virtual whiteboard, which can enhance collaboration and productivity in various industries such as education, healthcare, and enterprise. Overall, 100ms.live solves the problem of integrating reliable and scalable video and audio communication into applications, making it easier for businesses and organizations to connect with their customers and clients.

Featured on
6th February 2024

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