Mail Sweeper

Save time (and money) managing your email

Mail Sweeper Screenshot
  • Mail Sweeper works by labeling unimportant emails in your inbox based on your simple preference, and periodically sweeping them into the trash can. That's it, it's really that simple.

    Emails are overwhelming. Most of us receive tens or hundreds of emails a day. Notifications, sales, newsletters, and more! We only need to see most of these emails once, and never open them again, leaving them as our digital dust bunnies accumulating in the corner of our inbox.

    Eventually, you have to sweep this digital dust or suffer the consequences: pay for more email storage, or spend your own time deleting old emails.

    The other cost is environmental. A single email has an average carbon dioxide equivalent of 0.3g. If the email has an image or other attachment, the carbon equivalent could be 50g (or higher). With the large number of users with email on this planet, Berners-Lee estimates that email could account for 0.3% of the world's carbon footprint.

    Mail Sweeper is designed to help you save time, money, and the environment. We could have made this product a subscription, but we didn't. A one time payment and the product is yours. Forever. (unless you want to uninstall it, but we hope you don't!)

    What about privacy? We're big privacy advocates. Mail Sweeper never stores or reads your emails. Our product is also CASA certified for security.

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Featured on
10th October 2024

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