
Focus on what matters the most your memories

memoiri Screenshot
  • After a heart-breaking breakup, I made a simple beautiful straightforward journaling app - memoiri

    I reflected on the past and realized that if I had actively reflected on everyday, I would have noticed subtle problems building up. If only had I journaled everyday and reflected everyday, I would have acted earlier. I made it a promise to myself to journal every day to become a better human.

    I went on the search for a simple app that just lets me write down my thoughts in a organized matter, and here is the problem every single app requires so many moves to just write down a few words. That's why I created memoiri, a diary app that helps you focus on what matters most: your memories.

    All I wanted was an app where I simply open it up and start writing, that is basically what memoiri does!

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22nd January 2024

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