Mutant Mail

Overcome the headache of managing multiple email ids

Mutant Mail Screenshot
  • Struggling with multiple emails?

    Overcome the headache of managing multiple email ids with our privacy-focused, server-side solution.

    Mutant Mail is the only server-side solution to control all your email ids in one place without being an Email Client.

    Imagine having 5 domains, each having 5 email alias(admin, support, help, legal, contact).

    That's 25 email IDs.

    Do we want to login into each mailbox to keep the domain persona?

    Or remember so many credentials?

    Or keep same password in all Email IDs?

    So, we made an email service where you can receive, send and reply using one mailbox.

    All you need to do is click reply on any email you received and the receiver will get a response from your Brand's email id.

    You can attach all domains to Mutant Mail, receive email on a recipient inbox (say Gmail, Hotmail, or anything else), click on reply and email will be sent to the client using your Brand's email. Everything can be done from the convenience of your Inbox, with resilient infra for zero downtime.

Featured on
11th April 2022

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