UAB Kilo Grupe

Global leaders in digital health innovation

UAB Kilo Grupe Screenshot
  • UAB Kilo Grupe is one of the leading digital health and wellness companies globally, not only attracting talents to join its fast-growing team but also co-founding and accelerating start-ups in a rapidly growing digital health industry.

    As of March 2022, Kilo Health was the second of the 1000 fastest-growing companies in Europe. With 4+ million paying users worldwide (the majority in the United States), robust technology, and a digital marketing platform, Kilo Grupe provides unparalleled opportunities for entrepreneurial talents and visionaries to build digital health products of the future.

    Kilo Grupe was founded to design the most engaging and effective digital lifestyle interventions that lead to a healthier life by preventing, managing, or treating various health conditions.

    Continuously seeking new opportunities, co-founding, and accelerating prospective next-gen products, Kilo Grupe has grown from 7 to 600+ bright talents in three years and aims to become the most loved digital health and wellness product suite globally.

Featured on
23rd June 2022

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