1000 ideas for quality time with preschoolers

Vinny - 1000 ideas for quality time with preschoolers at your fingertips
Mobile app/B2C/$29/month (subscription)
Parenting is hard. We know it. We help you build relationships with your kids via meaningful entertainment.
3 founders +7 team members
James A. - 7 years in IT, Ex-Yandex, led a 35+ team. Launched 6 projects in 2020
Alex M. - business co-founder (capital turnover > $14M). Co-founder of AA Capital invest fund (4.3-fold capitalization growth in 3 years)
Nikita A. -8 years in IT. Exited the project with 1M+ users. Graduated in-person from 3 US startup accelerators (2020)
Projected CAC/LTV: > 3.38
TAM (US): $950M
SOM: $11M in 1-2 years
Target Audience (US): 9.6M users
Verified demand: 37 one-on-one interviews and 189 respondents surveyed (US).
500+ activities created (10 demos attached)
MVP in AppStore: [](
Incorporated in Delaware (Vinny Software Inc, Corp C)
Preseed round closed 250К$ valcap 5 mln $
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