CSS Effects
Ready-to-copy CSS effects
December 2020
Ready-to-copy CSS effects
Generate background patterns
Collection of tiny minimal 1px icons
Create and edit SVG paths on you browser
Generate calendar icons
A web-based color picker
Simple markup generator for mailto links
Export a beautiful SVG shape dividers
Flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, and more
MIT-licensed icons
Auth access control without complexity
Understand the WhatWG HTML specification
Embed encoded Google Fonts into CSS
Create a nice hero image for your site or app
Quick, updated, copy and paste-able lists
Generate custom placeholder images
Wrap screenshots in browser frames
Find your public files, before someone else does
Generate CSS box shadows
Generate QR codes from URLs
Remove unwanted HTML tags
Dead simple add to calendar links API
Test your website in more than 80 tools
Transform between CSS, JavaScript, and JSX
A collection layouts and patterns made with CSS
Use crowdsourced email development techniques
Open-source illustrations kit
A huge collection of JavaScript utilities
Generate low-poly backgrounds, textures, and vectors